"Honor your commitments with integrity." -Les Brown
Search Engine Optimization & Map Listings
98% of people searching on Google and other search engines, choose companies ranked on the 1st page of results. We get you there, and keep you there. But local SEO takes some time, especially the most competitive cities. There are no miracles or overnight rankings if you want to rank on page 1 of Google for keywords that actually drive leads and sales.
We take a comprehensive look across your entire local ecosystem to determine where your website(s) rank now for specific keywords, where your competitors are, and what we can do to see better results. We focus on both technical (on-page) SEO, as well as off page SEO (link building, content).
When crawling through a website, Google’s bots evaluate several technical aspects to determine what your website is all about. At Midwest Digital Solutions, we provide an expert knowledge of technical SEO to ensure that your website is giving Google exactly what it’s looking for. This way, your ideal online audience finds you instead of competitors when searching for those main keywords.
Website Optimization
We will optimize your existing website to make Google take a second look. Or, if you’re looking for a complete overhaul, we design and develop websites with SEO in mind. If you’re a development agency looking for an SEO partner, we offer SEO consulting on all types of web projects, large and small. The little brother to organic SEO, local SEO is all about mobile. A Google study found that 88% of mobile users search for local businesses. Will they find yours?
Content Marketing
Our organic SEO team is well-versed in producing and circulating high-quality content in a variety of formats to attract a specific audience, and convert them into customers by consistently providing informative and engaging content. From articles and white papers to video and infographics, we can do it all. Along with creating new content for your business, our strategy for content marketing encompasses the following tactics to drive results.
Link Building
Content is created with the intent to build links to your business’ website. Our link-building strategy is twofold. We make shareable content for your website that attracts external links, and we create content for reputable industry websites to expand your online audience and to increase your website’s authority with Google.
Map Listings Optimization
Local search queries can trigger local results on Google. What is known as the “3-pack” (set of local search results displayed with a Google Map) today commonly dominates the first page of search results. As Google continues to develop the localization of it’s search algorithm, even the most generic search queries frequently trigger map-driven local business listings. It is imperative that your business be well represented on Google Maps and in local search results.
Our SEO services includes Google Maps listing optimization, your business listing will be optimized for search results on Google and in the Google Maps application. We also optimize listings for other major search engines – such as Yahoo and Bing.
You Can Find Our Clients On Google Maps -- "3 Pack"
Burns Family Dentistry
Mary Sears Children's Academy
Accurate Repro Inc.